Trotting competition
Date: 16 July - 17 July

Trotting competition

Do Events Festivals

Trotting competition at Karlshamnstravet in Asarum during the Baltic Sea Festival.

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Trotting competition in Asarum during the Baltic Sea Festival in Karlshamn week 29.

During two fast-paced days, races are run with over 80 crews. Famous drivers settle for the winning title and driver championship. A perfect opportunity to bring family and friends or invite business partners and employees to socialize and enjoy the power of these horses.

Big trot 16-17 July.
The entrance opens at 10:00.
First start at 12:20.

For more information, see links.

Organizer: Karlshamnstravet

Date & time (<% occasionResult.length %>)

Date Time Arena/Location
Wednesday 16 July 10:00 Arena Albertswill
Thursday 17 July 10:00 Arena Albertswill