"Olympes rop på schavotten"
Date: 8 March

"Olympes rop på schavotten"

Do Events Theatre & Entertainment

Show at Folkets Hus Karlshamn.


A portrait of Olympe de Gouges, one of the first women executed during the French Revolution for her defiance of the Jacobin reign of terror in her fight for the rights of women and slaves.
In this newly written monologue, we follow Olympe de Gouges' fight for the equal value of all people during the French Revolution. A struggle that led to the scaffold. Olympe grew up in Occitania. Music from this region of southern France forms an important part of the performance - singing, drumming and violin.

Olympe de Gouges - her real name was Marie Gouze - grew up in Occitania. This southern French region, with its own language, had a strong desire for truth and justice.

As the illegitimate daughter of a marquis, she had access to the literary salons of Paris. She threw herself wholeheartedly into efforts to change society, including writing plays to reach the illiterate.

She also realised that the grandiose slogans of ‘liberty, equality and fraternity’ excluded both women and slaves.

When the Jacobins established autocracy and a reign of terror, she refused to keep quiet about her demands for equal rights. It cost her her life. She was the second woman, after Marie Antoinette, to be beheaded by the guillotine.

Olympe de Gouges was erased from history, but 200 years later her works were found in police archives and her name spread across the world. Now it's time for Sweden to meet Olympe and her sense of justice. She has much to teach our modern society.

The play is an exciting theatre experience for anyone interested in theatre and history, but it can also be successfully performed for high school students and be a source of inspiration for equality and democracy work in various organisations around Sweden.

Date/time: 8 March at 17:00
Location: Metropolbiografen
Length: 55 minutes
Price: adults/seniors 200 SEK, stage pass 150 SEK. Young people up to 20 years 70 SEK.
Buy tickets at Nortic.se (see booking link), Lundins Bokhandel or Stora Coop. Leftover tickets at the box office from 17:00.
Unnumbered seats.
The show is in Swedish.

Organiser: Karlshamns Riksteaterförening

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Date Time Arena/Location
Saturday 8 March 17:00 - 17:55 Metropol