Food and drink from the Alpine countries
Date: 28 March

Food and drink from the Alpine countries

Do Events Food & Beverage culture

Good food and drinks at Port Hotel in Karlshamn.


Welcome to the Alps and enjoy food and drink from Italy, France, Austria, Switzerland and Germany.

The evening starts at 17:30 with a welcome drink. For the starter and main course there are two different drinks to choose from. A delicious dessert wine will be served with the dessert.
Port Hotel will tell you about the food served, but the focus will be on the evening's drinks and their origins. After dinner, you will enjoy the coffee table and you will also be offered two different avec from some Alpine countries. At 22:00 is the last order and at 22:30 the evening ends.

The price includes:
- Welcome drink
- Starter and a drink
- Main course and a drink
- Dessert and one dessert wine

Book via the booking link.

Discount on accommodation when booking the event. Single rooms from 759 SEK and double rooms from 959 SEK. Book via email to or call us on +46(0)454-142 20.

Organiser: Port Hotel

Date & time (<% occasionResult.length %>)

Date Time Arena/Location
Friday 28 March 17:00 - 22:30 Port Hotel