Dance show with ungMASS
Date: 26 April

Dance show with ungMASS

Do Events Highlights

ungMASS performs at Lokstallarna for the first time.


For the first time, Dans i Blekinge's youth company ungMASS performs at Lokstallarna in Karlshamn. It will be an intimate, empathetic and dynamic performance. Don't miss the opportunity to see the next generation of dance and performing artists from Blekinge!

ungMASS is a company made up of young people from Blekinge who are interested in dance. The company meets once a week at Massmanska Kvarnen in Ronneby and the events are led by dance and performing artists. ungMASS is a chance to immerse themselves in dance as an art form and an opportunity for young people who are thinking of applying for dance or performing arts programmes or folk high schools. ungMASS is Dans i Blekinge's new initiative to contribute to the regrowth and anchoring of contemporary dance in the county.

Date/time: 26 April at 18:00
Location: Lokstallarna, Karlshamn
Buy tickets via booking link (

Organiser: Regionteatern Blekinge Kronoberg

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Date Time Arena/Location
Saturday 26 April 18:00 - 18:50 Lokstallarna